
BANG! Jo it's he! It's he! D...D...P! We chat about one of our favourite people in the world! The master of the Diamond Cutter and the King of Bada Bing, it's Diamond Dallas Page! That's not a bad thing, it's a GOOD THING!

Match list

  • DDP vs Randy Savage @ Spring Stampede, WCW (1997)

  • DDP vs Hulk Hogan vs Sting vs Ric Flair for the WCW championship @ Spring Stampede (1998)

  • DDP vs Christian for the European Championship @ WrestleMania X8, WWF (2002)

  • 'Positively Living' The DDP story, WWE home video

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Episode artwork by Daniel Swanton
Music by Sam Chaplin
Edited by Kefin Mahon