
1-2-3-4 life! Kefin teaches Jo about the history and role of wrestling's perennial losers; Jobbers!

Jobbers pro wrestlers James Ellsworth Mikey Whipwreck Brooklyn Brawler Steve Lombardi S D Jones Barry Horowitz Job Squad

Match List:

  • Colin Delaney vs The Great Khali @ ECW on Sci-Fi (2008)

  • HHH vs Kaentai & the Brooklyn Brawler @ SmackDown! WWF (2000)

  • Braun Strowman vs The Mile High Trio @ Monday Night Raw, WWE (2016)

  • Skip vs Barry Horrowitz @ SummerSlam, WWF (1995)

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Episode artwork by Daniel Swanton
Music by Sam Chaplin
Edited by Kefin Mahon