
Diddly Dee it's PWG! Kefin and Jo look at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, the underground cutting edge promotion emanating from a tiny hall in Reseda California! We dip our toes into the style, history and buzz that surrounds what is often called "the best wrestling in North America".

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla episode artwork gorilla How2Wrestling


  • Super Smash Bros vs Future Shock vs The Young Bucks in a Three Way Ladder Match for the World Tag Team Championship Title @ PWG (2012)

  • Kevin Steen vs Super Dragon in a Guerilla Warfare Match @ Astonishing Christmas, PWG (2005)

  • Candice LaRae vs Trent? @ Mystery Vortex IV, PWG (2017)

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Episode artwork by Daniel Swanton
Music by Sam Chaplin
Edited by Kefin Mahon